Friday, December 25, 2009

End the war in Iraq! War not peace!

Look at the deaths! Absolutely unacceptable!

I should only include American deaths, though. We are actually doing those countries a favor by saving them from the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

As you can see, the human costs of these wars are unacceptably high. We need to pull out immediately to stop the senseless death and destruction.

Now I know some people may say "Those charts are biased, if they were true, terrorists would not fly planes into the world trade center, they would create cheap and affordable cars." Those people are right, cars are only the greatest killer of Americans aged 3-34 (2006 statistics). The best way to kill Americans is not to create Asian car companies, it is to create corn-syrup factories and fast-food chains. Apparently we already have taken these jobs from terrorists, though. Not only that, but we ensure those jobs stay in America through government subsidies and taxpayer money. There is no room for terrorists to even compete with us in killing Americans!