Thursday, May 6, 2010


I got a response to the letter in the previous post!
I hope I'm not breaking any confidentiality by posting it:

Dear ...:

Thank you for contacting me regarding your strong support for bicycles as a viable mode of transportation. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. As a member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, one of my top priorities in Congress is to provide Southern California the resources necessary to provide safe roads and routes for all drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

You may be interested to learn that Congress passed a bill that includes provisions to help make bicycling and pedestrian activity safer and more convenient for millions of Americans. Specifically, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act--A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), a multi-year bill to reauthorize our nation's transportation programs, provides nearly $4 billion for new bike paths and trails. Of this funding, nearly $2 billion is dedicated for new bike paths, lanes, and safe bike crossings, including over $2.3 million for local bike and pedestrian paths in Whittier and La Habra. In addition, $612 million was included for the Safe Routes to School program that will help communities create safer ways for kids to pedal or walk to school. The Recreational Trails Program, which pays for the construction and repair of trails, will receive $350 million to ensure our communities have the funding necessary to keep bicyclists safe. I am pleased that this funding is available to ensure cyclists can have safe routes to ride in every community.

The Active Community Transportation Act of 2010 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives to provide additional funding and incentives to promote greater activity within communities nationwide. Specifically, H.R. 4722 would establish a $2 billion Department of Transportation grant program to provide convenient and safe access to pedestrian and bike facilities. As this bill moves through the legislative process, you can be assured that I will keep your support in mind.

Again, thank you for contacting me. I hope you will remain in touch on this and other issues of importance to you.


Member of Congress

HR 4722 ( looks pretty cool, and I'm excited that Congressman Miller will keep it in mind. It's a shame that all the sponsors are Democrats, though. I hope riding a bicycle does not turn into a partisan issue. Maybe if it passes, Brea could get in on some of the grant money. Hopefully there will be even broader funding for things like this in the future. I'm sure we could save a lot of money with the lower cost of implementation and maintenance for bike infrastructure.