Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The trick is to act like everyone else

I stood on a street corner under Portland's night sky, paused in my evening commute, and chatted with a guy. After a few minutes of talk, it suddenly occurred to me: "What the heck is this guy doing in the middle of Portland wearing a gold-colored speedo and a red vest?" Of course, this was immediately followed by the thought "What the heck am I doing in the middle of Portland in skin-tight spandex with half a dozen flashing lights on me and my bike talking to a guy in a gold-colored speedo and red vest?" I immediately dismissed both thoughts and continued to chat.

I was lucky in Portland. I could walk into grocery stores, coffee shops, work, almost anywhere in spandex and no one would care or take notice. I am pretty sure everyone had that luxury, whether dressed as a zombie or a princess. In fact, the only people that I could consistently rely on to give me dirty looks were the supposedly progressive and accepting hippies at the local food co-op. Yeah, I'm still bitter about that.

In Seattle, however, the slightly "higher class" nature of the city (emphasis on slightly) is not quite the same. Now, when I walk into the activities center, surrounded by people who obviously spend time to look nice and attractive, I carry a Fresh Step kitty litter box converted into a pannier and I wear full spandex with a bright orange jersey that reads "Team S&M", and I feel a little self-conscious.

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